Invest smarter.

Nextvestment brings institutional-grade portfolio analysis tools to everyday investors.

Enterprise Customer?Learn more

Your complete investment portfolio, simplified.

Smart Analysis

Make informed decisions with powerful analysis tools.

Portfolio Dashboard

Your Investment Command Center

Track your portfolio performance, asset allocation, and investment returns with our intuitive dashboard view. Get a clear picture of your portfolio's journey.

AI Financial Assistant

Your Personal Portfolio Analyst

Get AI-powered portfolio insights, market analysis, and investment recommendations. Ask questions in natural language and receive expert analytical guidance.

Account Connectivity

Connect Your Investment Accounts

Seamlessly connect and sync your investment accounts from multiple brokers and institutions for a unified portfolio view and real-time analysis.

Asset Coverage

Comprehensive Coverage

Analyze a wide range of assets including stocks, private companies, crypto, and more from your portfolio.

Global Markets

Worldwide Insights

Analyze markets across the globe with comprehensive data and multi-currency portfolio analysis capabilities.

Pro Mode

Institutional-grade analysis for sophisticated investors.

AI Research Assistant

Intelligent Financial Research

Leverage AI-powered research capabilities to analyze market trends, company financials, and investment opportunities with natural language conversations.

Upload FilesDrag & Drop

Document Analysis

Smart Document Processing

Upload your own investment documents - from quarterly reports to research PDFs - and let our AI extract key insights, analyze financials, and highlight important metrics automatically.

What everyone is saying

Trusted by professionals.

Nextvestment has transformed how I analyze portfolios. The AI insights are incredibly valuable for making informed investment decisions.

Michael Chen

Portfolio Manager

The ability to analyze complex portfolios and get instant AI-powered insights has been game-changing for my practice.

Sarah Patel

Independent Financial Advisor

I love how Nextvestment helps me understand my portfolio's risk exposure and suggests optimization strategies.

David Rodriguez

Private Investor

The document analysis feature saves me hours of work. It's like having a research assistant that never sleeps.

Emma Thompson

Investment Research Analyst

Nextvestment's institutional-grade analytics have become an essential part of our client portfolio review process.

James Wilson

Wealth Management Director

As someone new to investing, Nextvestment's AI assistant helps me understand my portfolio and make better investment decisions.

Lisa Zhang

Retail Investor

Join thousands of investors using Nextvestment to make smarter investment decisions.