Your complete investment portfolio, simplified.
Smart Analysis
Make informed decisions with powerful analysis tools.
Portfolio Dashboard
Your Investment Command Center
Track your portfolio performance, asset allocation, and investment returns with our intuitive dashboard view. Get a clear picture of your portfolio's journey.
AI Financial Assistant
Your Personal Portfolio Analyst
Get AI-powered portfolio insights, market analysis, and investment recommendations. Ask questions in natural language and receive expert analytical guidance.
Account Connectivity
Connect Your Investment Accounts
Seamlessly connect and sync your investment accounts from multiple brokers and institutions for a unified portfolio view and real-time analysis.
Asset Coverage
Comprehensive Coverage
Analyze a wide range of assets including stocks, private companies, crypto, and more from your portfolio.
Global Markets
Worldwide Insights
Analyze markets across the globe with comprehensive data and multi-currency portfolio analysis capabilities.
Pro Mode
Institutional-grade analysis for sophisticated investors.
AI Research Assistant
Intelligent Financial Research
Leverage AI-powered research capabilities to analyze market trends, company financials, and investment opportunities with natural language conversations.
Document Analysis
Smart Document Processing
Upload your own investment documents - from quarterly reports to research PDFs - and let our AI extract key insights, analyze financials, and highlight important metrics automatically.